A good hotel consultancy has extensive experience in the hotel industry and has a broad knowledge of all areas of hotel management. She should be able to understand and respond appropriately to the challenges and opportunities facing a hotel business.
A good hotel consultant should be able to analyse a hotel’s data and metrics to identify strengths and weaknesses. She should also be able to identify trends in the hotel industry and position the hotel accordingly.
A good hotel consultancy should be focused on achieving the hotel’s goals. This includes aligning the hotel operations according to the needs and desires of the guests.
A good hotel consultancy should be able to come up with innovative ideas and concepts to set the hotel apart and create a competitive advantage.
A good hotel consultancy should be empathetic and understand the needs of the hotel business and its staff. Only then can it improve the cooperation between the hotel management and the hotel consultancy and achieve long-term success.
A good hotel consultancy should be able to successfully implement its recommendations and proposed solutions. This also includes that it supports and accompanies the hotel operation during the implementation.
In summary, a good hotel consultancy should have extensive experience and competence, analytical skills, goal orientation, creativity and innovation, empathy and implementation strength.
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