Hotel consultancy with effect: At the start is the inventory and operational costs analysis

Inventory and operational costs analysis


Usually the best starting point for a hotel consultancy or a renovation consultancy. Advantage in any case: the customer (hotelier, hotel operator, or investor) knows where he stands.  The recommended measures are explained in such a detail that development work on your own is also possible.

Target group: Hotels, restaurants, owners and operators or banks and investors.


Quick check & trial offer

Taking the short way to determine the position and for a trial offer to new customers. The customer knows where he stands in the benchmark comparison and shows anomalies compared to the competition. Approaches for possible optimizations

Target group:
Hotels, restaurants, owners and operators


  • Derivation of operating figures in a hotel typical cost accounting (Uniform System of Accounts)
  • Short review of the earnings structure
  • Drafting of the recommended measures
  • Hotel management consulting
  • Result

Transparency about revenue structure in the context of the industry benchmark
Decision criteria, which follow-up measures are appropriate


SWOT analysis hotel. Strengths – weaknesses – opportunities – threats

The SWOT analysis is a proven tool for situation analysis and for finding the strategy of your hotel. In it are combined the analysis of strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and risks analysis. The aim among other things is to figure out, what strengths should be developed and what weaknesses should be minimized or eliminated. Which opportunities should be better made use of and which risks must be minimized. It is either a holistic approach to your hotel or a part analysis, in which, for example, the marketing and sales area or just the catering of your hotel are analyzed.

S – Strengths
W – Weaknesses
O – Opportunities
T – Threats


What is important, how can an RHC – SWOT – Analysis help you to get to a realistic plan of the most important decisions and measures?

  • Provide a clear aim. If this is difficult for you, we develop it together.
  • Do not confuse internal strengths with external opportunities. However, try to combine both of them.
  • Dare to prioritize. Eventually the personal and financial resources demand an order in the implementation.
  • Search for the internal and the external view. Internal: Finances, staff, image, fame, knowledge and external: Trends, competition, technological development and political decisions

We will assist you in this strategic process.





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