RHC Hotel experts team – feasibility study

RHC Hotel experts team – feasibility study

The assessment of a location for a future Hotel requires extensive experience and skills. Topics such as concept, construction, taxes, business start-up, hotel marketing, workforce planning, quality control, business planning and determination of profitability, require knowledge and experience from the most diverse fields. Hotel specialists, marketing experts, civil engineers, and tax professionals must work hand-in-hand, to determine a realistic feasibility for each location and the appropriate business type.

To determine the construction costs for a new hotel, it must be clear, for which guest group, what are the demands and what size of hotel works best in a location. For this, it is necessary to research what businesses are already in the area and where is there a niche to occupy. It is particularly challenging to assess correctly the development of future demand. How will the economy and tourism develop? What plans has the competition and what rates can be achieved? How many employees need to be found and where is it useful to automate? What concept of gastronomy fits to the business and to the future guests and what costs will be incurred onetime or permanent?

These questions can only be answered by a team of experts. The RHC team “Feasibility study” is therefore made up of five experts with different areas of specialization:


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