Management Information System

Management Information System

Information instead of data for decisions with a perspective

A management information system should be used for the planning, control and rapid undertaking of targeted measures on the business development of the hotel.

Main reporting tools:

  • Daily turnover and statistical report
  • Budget
  • Monthly reporting
  • Quarterly preview of results
  • Personnel deployment planning

With the management information system a relationship is established between sales data (quantity, quality and development) to sales/marketing activities and expenditure and key operating figures (personnel deployment, offer quality, cost of sales and cost parameters). Hereby the success of individual businesses (profit centers) and within this the development of individual guest areas and groups of guests will be made transparent.

With the resulting transparency, the success of the operation is made predictable, controllable, and manageable. The data continues to serve to create a reliable liquidity planning and to set up multi-year results of development scenarios.

The success of the operation is made measurable by a comprehensive and detailed monthly performance analysis (budget comparison and preview of results). Target agreements for management, managers, and employees get a real and verifiable background.

Daily turnover report

The daily turnover report is an important instrument for the control of the business. Sales and statistic key figures should be collected for the periods: day, current month until and including current day, and the current year until and including current day, respectively the current, the budgeted, and the previous year, drawn up daily for each of the market segments.

The daily sales report makes possible the timely monitoring of the sales budget and is the basis for the preparation of the budget for the following year. Moreover, it can be an important tool for the planning and control of marketing and sales activities.


It is essential to plan a budget with the individual sales and cost areas of the hotel. By comparing the current values of a month with the corresponding budget values, the compliance with the objectives of the business are made clear at an early stage and enables quick reactions if the target or actual values differ.


Monthly reporting

The typical hotel monthly reporting is based on a cost accounting according to the American ‘Uniform System of Accounts for Hotels”. With it, the success of each business area is shown in detail and represented by exact cost parameters of the budget comparison. A performance-based cost allocation is made possible with the help of accruals and reserves on a monthly basis. The break-even point of the business is through this precisely determined. The reporting, because of the accrual postings carried out through a divergent liquidity development is shown in a separate evaluation, based on the balance sheet of the corresponding reporting month for the remainder of the rest of the business year.

Quarterly preview of results

The quarterly preview of results makes transparent the divergent developments in the budget planning in the sales and costs areas. Hereby, targeted responses are secured with their economic impacts on the divergent business development from the profit planning.

Personnel deployment planning

The personnel deployment planning is based on a roster in which free days and vacation days are automatically updated. Within the personnel deployment planning, follows an automatic comparison of revenue data from the daily report and the personnel deployment of individual areas. Moreover, it contains a year’s vacation plan, calculation of accruals for holidays and free days, calculation of benefits for the catering of the staff, calculation of additional payments for Sundays, public holidays and night work, sick leave statistics and the gathering of billing data for the implementation of payroll accounting.

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