Channel Manager / channel management software
Software that is used by the hotel industry (often as an alternative to the CRS – central reservation system), to serve with an all in one maintenance and upgrade tool the various distribution (booking) platforms, using the latest daily prices and availability information. Already when a hotel wants to serve two or more booking platforms (E.g. HRS, and with daily current prices and availability, a channel management software can optimize the quality of distribution, avoid mistakes and save valuable staff time.
These systems provide very different services and functions. The key distinguishing features are:
- Number of sales and booking platforms that are already connected and accessible (from 5 to almost 1,000).
- One or two way connection. One way: Availability and prices are sent to the various platforms. Two way: Bookings, changes and cancellations go with changed availability back to the channel manager
- Interfaces / connection to the hotel system
- Connection not only of IDS (Internet distribution systems), but also of GDS – service providers
- Control possibilities
- Quality of reporting
Well-known examples of frequently used channel management systems are:
- Fastbooking
• Travelclick/ ChannelDirect
• Rate Tiger
• Rez Online
• Availpro
• HotelNetSolutions
• HotelToWeb
• Hotelwebservice
• Touronline (DIRS)
This list only includes a few examples and is by no means complete. There are more than 200 different providers.