Quick and correct accounting; transparent and timely reporting; convincing and risk-reducing controlling; it is tailor-made for the hotel industry!You decide whether you want to build your own team or make it more effective or whether you want to outsource your accounting completely or partially.
Less and less small and medium-sized hotel businesses can afford their own accounting department. More and more hotels are looking for specialized industry service providers.
Most hotel accounting consists of very small units. Real experts want to continue actively to evolve into expert teams. It is more difficult for a hotel to find qualified people and to instruct them. Service providers, such as the RHC find it easier.
Hardware, software and staff is required to a lesser extent, when outsourcing, than if you are to buy and organize everything yourself. Methods, such as active controlling of the often rather passive accounting, are part of quality improvement. Management must not worry about the managing of accounts. Monthly flat rates make these costs also predictable.
You are the host and surely, you are good at it. We are experts in accounting and controlling in the hosting industry. You focus on your core business and your profit center. In addition, we support with our core competence.
• Annual accounts
• Preparation of the balance sheet
• Income tax return
• Business tax return
• VAT return
The RHC accounting service for hotels includes postings of the ongoing business transactions in the context of § 6 no. 3 and no. 4 tax consultancy act (StBerG).
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